Volume 19 Issue 1, April 2020


Brooke Belisle and Paul Roquet Guest Editors’ Introduction: Virtual reality: immersion and empathy


Janet H. Murray Virtual/reality: how to tell the difference

Grant Bollmer and Katherine Guinness Empathy and nausea: virtual reality and Jordan Wolfson’s Real Violence

Lisa Nakamura Feeling good about feeling bad: virtuous virtual reality and the automation of racial empathy

Paul Roquet Empathy for the game master: how virtual reality creates empathy for those seen to be creating VR

Maria Engberg and Jay David Bolter The aesthetics of reality media

Michael LaRocco Developing the ‘best practices’ of virtual reality design: industry standards at the frontier of emerging media

Brooke Belisle Whole world within reach: Google Earth VR


Brian Massumi, Architectures of the Unforeseen: Essays on the Occurrent Arts, reviewed by Sean Anderson

Zeuler RM de A Lima, Lina Bo Bardi, Drawings, reviewed by Lina Malfona

Elisabeth von Samsonow, Anti-Electra: The Radical Totem of the Girl, reviewed by Leah McBride

Giorgio Agamben, Creation and Anarchy: The Work of Art and the Religion of Capitalism, reviewed by Donald Preziosi
